To make the perfect frame bag, we need the perfect photo.

We scale your photo and print out a full-scale pattern to work with.


  1. Place your custom frame bag order.
  2. Take your photo according to the instructions that follow.
  3. Email your highest resolution image to [email protected] in landscape orientation, uncropped with your name, order number, and bike model and size
Template photo
Digitally scaled
Accurate full scale paper template
Perfect fit!

You will need:

  • A full size camera (DSLR, mirrorless) or pro-level camera phone with many megapixels. (16MP+)
  • Sheet of paper or piece of cardboard (step 2).
  • Tape.
  • 8 meter / 26 foot measuring tape.
  • Marker.

Bonus points: (Make your bag maker super happy!)

  • A “paper” bill.
  • A ruler or measuring tape with large markings.

Step 1:

Frame preparation.

  • Remove any existing bottle cages.
  • Back out bottle cage bolts so they’re sticking out (see photo 1)

(Used to place any bolt-on attachments and confirm image scaling).

  • Install bottle cages.
  • Install water bottles.

We will design the bag around the available space left in the frame.

Want to make the most of your frame space?

We recommend the Wolf-Tooth B-Rad 2 + a lowering cage. Great for getting those bottles as low as possible and maximizing bag space.

Don’t have these yet? Let us know you plan to get them later. We can digitally place them in the process!

We like these smaller 22oz Purist bottles for half bags.

Frame Bag Photo Template Guide
(photo 1) Back out bolts

Step 2:

Scale references.

Remove any existing bags or accessories from the bike.

Select one of the options below:

Printer paper method:

(Preferred for DSLR / mirrorless cameras)

  • Take a piece of standard printer paper.
  • Measure and note it’s length.
  • Light coloured frame?
    • Use a marker to darken the ends of the paper.
  • Tightly roll paper around the top-tube on it’s longest side and secure it closed with a piece of tape.
    • Put it underneath any cables if possible. Seat-tube or down-tube is fine too.
  • Write the measurement clearly on the paper with a marker.

Cardboard method:

(Preferred for phone cameras)

  • Measure and cut a piece of cardboard 11-20″ long.
    • The longer the better.
  • Measure and note it’s length, to the millimeter.
  • Tape the piece of cardboard flush to the frame, avoiding blocking any important frame details.
  • Write the measurement clearly on the cardboard with a marker.

Pro tips:

  • Do not cover any important details, such as:
    • Corners of frame
    • Bolts
    • Cable / housing stops
  • If you are including a measuring tape / ruler in the photo, the markings must be big and clear. Put a strip of blue/green tape on the 10″ line and 20″ line if you can.
  • Include a paper bill in the photo as another scale reference (152.4 mm)
Frame Bag Photo Template Guide
Printer paper method. (DSLR / mirrorless prefered method)
Frame Bag Photo Template Guide
Cardboard method. (Phone camera preferred method)
Ends must be tight and flush!

Step 3:

The photo: Set up in a long hallway or againt brightly lit wall outside.​

Bike positioning:

  • Handlebars on the right (driveside)
  • Lean your bike up straight against a wall.
  • Turn the crank arms out of the way. (3 & 9 o’clock)

Camera prep:

  • DSLR, mirrorless, or pro level camera phone.
  • Image format: RAW or JPEG High.
  • Aperture f/8-16.
  • Tripod or shutter speed of 125
  • Zoom / telephoto lens.
    • If using camera phone, use the zoom lens.
  • Landscape orientation

Select one of the options below:

  • Step back 25-30 feet
    • Use zoom lens if available
  • Position yourself perpendicular with the middle of the frame (centered left and right).
  • Crouch to take the photo level height with the center of the frame.
  • Step back 15 feet
    • Use zoom lens if available
  • Position yourself perpendicular with the middle of the frame (centered left and right).
  • Crouch to take the photo level height with the center of the frame.
Frame Bag Photo Template Guide
Camera is set up 25' away and level height with center of the frame. 15' will do with phone camera, but less accurate.
Frame Bag Template Example

Common mistakes to avoid:

(correct) centered / perpendicular
(wrong) shot at a slight angle
(correct) 25-30 feet away
(wrong) too close. 15' will work for phone camera but less accurate
(correct) level / centered
(wrong) too high

Image checklist:

If you have followed steps 1, 2 and 3 correctly, the following should be true.

Don’t worry! If something is wrong we will inform you before moving forward, and ask for a re-take.


Nice job!

Email highest resolution image to [email protected] in landscape orientation with your name, order number, and bike model and size