About Us

     Hey! It’s me, Peter. I’m passionate about bikes and biking, both as a means for transportation and recreation. I also happen to be very handy and good at making stuff.

What started as a hobby has turned into this small business. For me, it’s a great way to focus all my skills into one place.

Our belief is that everyone should have access to high-quality, durable, and functional gear that meets their individual needs.

That’s why we created GURP; to offer bike bags and soft goods that are designed and made with care, precision, and attention to detail.

Our Story

     In 2015, I went on my second-ever bike camping trip. The allure of my friend’s ‘bikepacking’ rig and their set of bags had me questioning my big red panniers and rear rack. I felt inspired to try making myself a custom frame bag once I got home.

Using what little I remember from elementary school sewing class and my mum’s home machine, I began scouring the web for information and following some YouTube and bikepacking.com tutorials. I quickly fell in love with sewing and biking. As someone who is a bit obsessed with preparation and planning, I looked forward to my trip to test out my latest prototype. Ever since then I’ve been honing my skills, patterns and testing my creations.

Started on my my mum's home sewing machine. I've always enjoyed making things.
It's me, on a bike! I like to city/winter bike, have tackled the Baja Divide, and love long bike rides with friends or by myself. I've yet to own a car and hope I don't need to.
My first bikepacking trip: an overnighter on my Jake the Snake cyclocross bike.